Title: Deer Deer Drunken Deer Rating: PG Pairing: Gwaine/Percival Media: Markers Warnings: Half naked? Cheerleadings: alby_mangrovesamphigourymushroomtale Thanks you kind souls ♥♥♥ Disclaimer:Merlin is owned by the BBC and Shine. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Don't send us to the dungeons. Artist’s Notes: For camelot_drabble Holiday Exchange. My first attempt
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Title: Frost Author&Artist:obliqueo Beta:marukojennychicago_ruthk_nightfoxamphigourymushroomtale Prompt Number: #12 Rating: R Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Warnings: Blood/Nude/Temporary major character death Summary: Merlin didn't escape his encounter with the dorocha as unscathed as he thought.